Well! It IS! So, I'm going to write 50K words in November. And each day, I'm going to jot down (quickly, because who knows WHERE I will find the time) how I am feeling, and what the process is like.
Thus far, I've gotten a basic plot, my two main characters, a few secondary characters, and a setting.
And I'm already procrastinating. But, just like Johnny Cash sang, "Time's a wastin'"! After all, "A cake's no good, if you don't mix the batter and bake it!" Yes, I know, June. I'll get this batch in the oven somehow.
... So much fun. Anyway! Over the next few days before the first of November, I am going to set down the rest of my plot, plan my chapters, and get to developing my people.
If I like certain parts, I might put them here. ;)
So you and I both have something to look forward to! :)